
Universe Experience

A Universe experience is an experience that allows us to go beyond our everyday consciousness and the conventional image of the world. It happens at some point in time, and we perceive, in one instance, the true nature of the universe, our connection to the universe, and the bond with the Great Existence, God.

When we are born into this world, we are in a state of oblivion of the aspiration that our soul wishes to fulfill at any cost, the reason why we were born into this world, and the necessity with which we must live this very life. And, through our upbringing, we have been imbued with the ways of living and values of our parents, rules and customs of a given place, and values of the times.

However, there is a moment when we suddenly realize what we should be seeking. It is an experience which, in an instant, enables us to sense who we are, what we should value and live for, and which makes us feel an invisible connection that is stretched across the world. That experience is called a Universe experience.

A typical Universe experience is the enlightening experiences of religious people such as Jesus, who had a time of communion with God in the desert, or astronauts, who viewed the blue earth and deeply felt, “I am one part of the universe.”

The Universe experience occurs in our everyday lives as well. Those who cherish the encounters and events of each day and strive to respond to life, will in the process, encounter what could be called fragments of the Universe experience. And, in each experience, our soul’s aspiration will be further clarified and we will become able to live with more profound love and wisdom.