Study Sessions for Parents and Children
Study Sessions for Parents and Children
Children open up their inner possibilities while parents solve their child-rearing problems!
We hold study sessions targeted for parents and children three times a year. Children’s study sessions can bring out the irreplaceable possibilities children possess, as well as nurture their power to create the future. In parents’ study sessions, attendees can learn how to interact with children as a parent so that they can solve many challenges of child-rearing.
Parents’ Study Session

In this session, parents discuss about their concerns related to child-rearing, such as bullying, skipping school, and entering school or workforce. “As a parent, I want to know what I can do to bring out my child’s unique possibilities.” In response to such a request, “Parents’ Study Session” is held three times a year (March, September, November or December).
There, parents can work on worksheets, have a discussion in meetings, and receive advice on children’s education so that they can find solutions together. The session will be televised from General Headquarters to local branches, thus members can participate by visiting their local branch nearby. This session is targeted for parents with children who are in elementary school through college. Parents with small children before school are also welcome to attend with them.
Participants’ Voices
I decided to participate because I was struggling with my relationship with my daughter and wanted to do something about it. I have never imagined that I would have such a revelation. I realized that the attitude and words I used toward my daughter were greatly influenced by those I received as a child, from my parents, relatives, school teachers, and superiors. I think I will have an entirely different relationship with my daughter from now.
(A woman from Kyushu in her 50’s)
By talking with other parents whose children are about the same age as my son, I was able to look deeply into my inner self. I realized that I was having a one-way interaction with my son in a controlling manner, which made me regret deeply. From now on, I want to carefully listen to what my son has to say by his side, and support him to the best of my ability.
(A man from Kinki in his 40’s)
Children’s Study Session
The goal of this session is to bring out the irreplaceable possibilities innately dormant within children, as well as nurture their power to create the future. This session is targeted for children who are students in their first year of elementary school through third year of high school. Generally, it is held at local headquarters three times a year when the “Parents’ Study Session” is held.
Challenging Angels School (CAS)

Participants will experience a diverse program that includes activities such as watching Takahashi Sensei’s lecture footage from the previous year’s “Kakehashi Seminar”, working on the “Challenging Sheet “(original study material just for children created by Takahashi Sensei), and playing fun games to experience the Study of the Soul. Even first-time participants can feel at ease as they will be looked after by young adult members. This school opens every year in March.
(* “Challenging Angels” refers to children who are learning the Study of the Soul.)
Challenging Angels (CA) Gathering

Participants will watch videos of Takahashi Sensei’s lectures, work on the “Challenging Sheet”, and tackle their individual problems and goals. This gathering is held every year at the end of June and November. Children will be accompanied by young adult members.
Participants’ Voices
Today, I worked on the “Challenging Sheet” for the first time. I chose my goal to be making many friends. My dad knows a lot of people and has many friends. He always looks like he is having fun. I want to be just like my dad and have many friends, too. I want to meet people from all over the world and become friends with them.
(A third-grade boy from Tokyo)
I had a problem I had been dealing with on my own. But today, I was able to tackle it with an older member. She helped me figure out what I should do and what my goals were. By writing down my aspiration on the “Challenging Sheet,” I was able to think about myself on a deeper level.
(A girl from Kinki in her first year of middle school)
Study Session where Parent and Child Can Study Together

There are also other sessions available for parents and children where they can continuously learn together.
Currently, they are held once a month at local headquarters in Tokyo, Kinki, and Chukyo.
For more details, please contact your local headquarters.
Participants’ Voices
After all the conflict I deal with on a daily basis while raising my child, these gatherings are like a perch I can land on to rest my weary wings. When I’m here, I feel like I can take a deep breath and calm my mind. I’m very grateful for these gatherings.
(A woman from Chukyo in her 30’s)
I was hoping to find a place where I could learn the Study of the Soul with my little children. This place was exactly what I hoped for. During the gathering, we worked on study sheets created by Takahashi Sensei. I received advice from older parents and all of my child-rearing worries disappeared.
(A woman from Chukyo in her 30’s)