Adventure of the Soul ──All Answers Lie within Us

Rebirth of human beings. Rebirth of Japan. Let’s begin the adventure and challenge for that, starting from yourself.
If you are feeling any limitations in your life just now, I want you to remember that you are a soul that is connected to the Universe. The Universe, which contains everything, not only extends infinitely outside us, it also extends infinitely within us; we ourselves are part of the Universe. Everything we need exists within us, such as inexhaustible potential, the power to freely imagine the future, the power to realize what we imagine. By going back to this initial insight, new possibilities are certain to come into view. There is no problem that cannot be solved, be it in the current sense of going nowhere, or any of the numerous problems we may be confronted with in the present of in the future, if we can harness and combine the force of the Universe that exists within each of us. It is time that we begin to believe in the force of the Universe that exists within each one of us. Iti is time that we begin to believe in the force of the Universe that is overflowing within us and take out that force. (Excerpt from Adventure of the Soul ─ Prologue)
Setting Out on the Adventure of the Soul
Defeat Seems Inescapable
The Biggest Crisis Is a Loss of Adventure
How Japan Overcame Previous Crises
Inner Potential of Human Beings Unswayed by the External World
“Human Beings Exist as Souls” as the Point of Departure
Drawing Forth the Force of the Universe as a Soul
Let Us Begin the Adventure of the Soul
Chapter 1
Departure : Knowing the Universe Experience
Adventures of Heroes
Why Is Life an Adventure? ─Beginning from Oblivion
There Are Experiences That Change Everything
This Is the Moment of Connection with the Universe
The Enlightenment of the Buddha and Jesus Was a Universe Experience
A Universe Experience Is Also Concealed in Your Life
My Universe Experiences ─First Experience
A World No One Understood
Why Do Human Beings Harbor So Much Chagrin?
Thunder Experience ─Why I was Allowed to Live
I Will Respond to the Power Granted to Me
The Giant Wall That Stood in the Way
Shifting Toward Issues Concerning Life and Human Beings
All Answers Were within Me
Universe Experiences Become More Profound
Chapter 2
Guiding Force : Drawing In the Guiding Principle
A Flow in the Universe That Carries Everything Toward Disintegration
A Cause of Deterioration of Life and Society
Another Principle ─The Guiding Principle That Leads Life and the Soul
A Force That Lifts Life for a Chain of Good Fortune
When a Path to Overcome a Trial Manifests Itself
The Guiding Principle Draws Forth Inner Possibilities
The Guiding Principle Leads Us to Our Lifework
Impulse of the Age ─A Force That Guides Change in History and Summons a New Era
The Universe Supports Human Beings through the Guiding Principle
Living with Clear Awareness of the Guiding Principle
Chapter 3
Destinations: Life Imparts Its Themes to Us
Where Are We Being Guided To?
Encounters That Change Our Lives
Encounters Harbors Intentions That Are Beyong Human Understanding
No Encounter Is the Product of Chance
Every Encounter Is Suffused with Strata of Meanings
There Certainly Is Some Kind of Connection ─Synchronicity Reveals a Realm of Bonds
Keys to Unexpected Transformations in Life ─Serendipity Teaches Us about the Secret of Encounters
When the Constellation of Life Appears
A Setback ─From Psychiarty to the Medical Office of a Large Corporation
Further Transitions ─Home-Visiting Nurse to Working at an Eye Clinic
Marriage ─As an Assistant to the Chief Priest
Constellation of Life Will Impart to Us the Themes of Life
Chapter 4
Power of the Mind: Mastering Creativity
Power of the Mind That Brings All Things and Realities into Being ─Secret of Creativity
The Limit of Imagination Equals the Limit of Creativity
Aspiring to Be a “Fantasista” of Life
What Makes the Flight toward Creation Possible? ─The Answer and the Blueprint Already Exist
Steps toward Creative Activities ─Coming into Contact with the Dimension of the Soul
Such Experience Are Open to Anyone
Creation of a Life ─Themes of Life Are Inscribed on the Genes of the Soul
Firm Conviction in the Invisible World Opens Up Unknown Possibilities
Chapter 5
Mission: Living as an Amplifier of Light
Light and Darkness That Are Manifested in Human Beings
As an Existence Living with the Conflict between Light and Darkness
Karmic Destiny of Human Beings Who Inherit Light and Darkness
Mission of Human Beings ─Living as an Amplifier of Light
Observing the Darkness ─Aspects of Bonno
Essence of Light That Breathes within Human Beings ─What Bodaishin Is
Amplifying Light ─Nurturing Bodaishin That Subdues Bonno
Life of Quarrels with Supervisors and Repeated Changes of Careers
Wanting to Kill His Alcoholic and Abusive Father ─The Karmic Destiny That Sakurada Took On
“I Want to Help Others Too”
The Director He Thought Was His Enemy Became a Most Valuable Partner
Reestablishing His Life ─Resentment Vanished without His Being Aware
Chapter 6
Awakening: Across the Universe
Law of Circulation ─Rhythm of the Universe That Ties Life and Death
Four Seasons of Life
A Soul’s Journey ─Proceeding to the Other World
To the World of Hierarchy Between Light and Darkness
The Force That Drives You on the Infinite Track ─The Soul’s Aspiration within You
Life Is Endowed with Four Themes
The Promise between Heaven and Human Beings Underlies the Weaving of Life
Why Were the Conditions of His Life So Harsh?
Regrets and Questions from His Previous Life
Encounter with the Study of the Soul Brings a New State of Mind
Chapter 7
Practice: Beginning with Charge, Change, and Challenge
Accompanied by the Sound of the Beginning of Everything
Callings Unite Past, Present, and Future as One
The Realm of Silent Callings ─Adventures of the Soul Heed Callings
Three Layered Structure Created by the Great Existence, God
What Is the Law of Causality of the Soul?
From Problems at Hand to Global Issues
Charge, Change, Challenge
Those Who Lived by Charge, Change, and Challenge
Practice of Charge, Change, Challenge ─Breaking Through a Deadlock
“I Want to Repay the Obligation” ─Responding to the Callings for Charge
From a Lone-Wolf Leader to a Collaborative Leader ─Responding to the Calling for Change
Practicing Management Based of the Study of the Soul ─Responding to the Calling for Challenge
Epilogue: Adventurers of the Soul Initiate a Movement of Creation and Regeneration
Because Each of Us Is Connected to the Universe
Adventurers of the Soul Overcome Any Limitation
Adventurers of the Soul Initiate a Movement of Creation and Regeneration
Price(apple book/Kindle US$16.99)