
June 13-14, the 2020 Frontier College and Heart Nursing School Joint Seminar was held via G. Live broadcast!

The Power to Know Oneself—To Live the Post-Corona Era

On June 13 (Sat.) – 14 (Sun.), Frontier College and Heart Nursing School Joint Seminar (for GLA members in their 30s to 60s) was held. This year, amidst the influence of the global spread of the novel coronavirus, the seminar was held through G.Live (live internet broadcasting) as a two day seminar connecting 6500 participants from all over Japan and 15 countries abroad.

At 1 pm, the program began with an opening message from Keiko Takahashi sensei.

The global spread of the novel coronavirus has the greatest political, social, and economic impact since World War II, and Japan is currently in a very severe economic situation as well. And now, we are not at the exit of the corona turmoil, but we are at the entrance of a new era called Post-Corona.” Then, she explained that the key to living in this new era of great uncertainty is, all the more, The Power to Know Oneself and the Method for Engaging Chaos, which sees the reality in front of us as Chaos with an unborn result that contains various possibilities and limitations.

She stated that it was precisely the generation of the seminar participants who would take the lead in paving the way for the post-corona world and in giving it the shape to which it should be. She then announced the theme of this seminar as The Power to Know Oneself: To Live the Post-Corona Era.

In the following session, a video recording showed how sensei drew out the results of light transformation and opened up a new path from the Chaos of the novel coronavirus.

With concrete countermeasures being presented earlier than the government and experts, and while society as a whole was refraining from various activities, an internet broadcasting study system called G. Live, where anyone while anywhere can participate, was launched. Witnessing sensei’s guidance for stopping the darkness transformation of the novel coronavirus and drawing forth new possibilities, participants came to a clear understanding that grasping a situation as Chaos was so crucial.

Working on worksheets, G. Meet, the special activity Treasure Hunter

The next step was to work on worksheets with video guidance from sensei.

Sensei stated that in order to live in these very uncertain times, the most important thing is to know our aspiration that we really want to cherish, and she led the participants to work on worksheets that were prepared for this seminar.

As the participants listened to video guidance from sensei as well as a model individual’s sharing of his work on the sheets, they listened to their inner minds and looked deeply into themselves through the worksheet questions. It became a focused and condensed period of time in which each of us approached closer to one’s purpose in life. Also, from time to time, preassigned groups had group discussions in a G. Meet (online meeting system developed in GLA). The participants sensed a realistic presence in forgetting that they were alone at home and felt a bond with other participants.

In addition, between the study sessions there was a treasure-searching game called Treasure Hunters, in which more than 1500 groups competed by working with group members to answer a diversity of quiz questions posed by the navigators. The first day of the seminar ended at 6 pm with a variety of such new experiences.

On the second day, the program began at 1 pm. It was shared how the novel coronavirus countermeasures are being taken in GLA and in professional fields such as medicine, business management, and legal affairs. After that, the participants continued to work on the worksheets as they did on the first day. Then, there was a session about the special memorial services in which one could feel the existence of the soul as an eternal life, that can also be stated as the origin of the Study of the Soul.

Lecture by Takahashi sensei – The Time to Take a New Leap by the Method for Engaging Chaos

The two-day seminar concluded with a lecture by sensei. She spoke from the sacred hall of the GLA general headquarters main building. As humanity currently fights the universal trial of the novel coronavirus, sensei clarified that the key to solving the problem is the way of life of each individual and whether they perceive the coronavirus issue as Chaos that contains both light and darkness by the Method for Engaging Chaos.

Sensei invited a man who runs a Japanese confectionery shop to the stage and introduced his specific steps in how he applied the Method for Engaging Chaos.

It was a story of three symbolic Chaos that came to his life: the issue of his son’s school, of his store, and of his local community. He produced the light transformation reality by aligning his mind with The Path of Prayer, Revised Edition (Sampoh Publishing). And sensei revealed the mystery of life that that Chaos did not appear by chance but came to his life to draw forth his soul’s aspiration.

Within such a perspective, it was clearly shown that reality can become amazingly different depending on with what kind of mind we face a situation.

Sensei called out to the participants: “In the 21st century, we meet here to let shine each individual mission. Now is the time, all the more, for you to practice the Method for Engaging Chaos, and I would like you to make this time of trial as the starting point to make a new leap.”

Sensei’s earnest calling resonated strongly in the hearts of the participants from all over Japan and abroad and awakened the courage and hope for entering the post-corona era.