
The 2025 New Year Gatherings will be held on Sunday, February 23, and Sunday, March 2 in USA.

A New Future Unfolded Through Nurturing the Bodaishin

The year 2025 has begun.
As Japan and the world face increasing turmoil and uncertainty, what does each of us need to overcome challenges and problems to live truly fulfilling life?

At 2025 New Year Gathering on Sunday, January 19, and Sunday, January 26, Keiko Takahashi Sensei will unveil the key in her lecture, offering guidance and mindset for living in 2025.

In the first half of the program prior to the lecture, a video will be presented showcasing the journeys of GLA members who, despite facing various challenges, have been able to draw out their Other Self from within themselves and create a new future by cultivating the Bodaishin.

Bodaishin is the heart to seek the real true self, to love others, and to contribute to world harmony. Takahashi Sensei expresses its diverse qualities of light through 12 aspects: the Moon, Fire, the Sky, a Mountain, Ears of Rice, a Spring, a River, the Earth, the Kannon Bodhisattva, the Wind, the Sea, and the Sun.

A Divine Truth Card inscribed with the words of Bodaishin will be given to all participants.

On the day of the event, each participant will receive a Divine Truth Card inscribed with one of the 12 aspects of Bodaishin.

Although you don’t know until the moment which of the 12 Divine Truth Cards you will receive, many find profound meaning in the words on their card and use them to guide their lives in the new year. Through this, Bodaishin is drawn forth from within each individual, transforming reality, lessening great hardships into smaller ones, and opening the path to a new life.

In this sense, the Divine Truth Card is nothing less than a true talisman and a sacred charm.

Following the New Year Gathering, recorded footage of the event is broadcast during the Early Spring Gathering, which are held in February and March in various locations around the country.

The New Year Gathering and the Early Spring Gathering are open to everyone. We cordially invite you to attend with your family, friends, or acquaintances at any of the venues.

Event details for the Early Spring Gathering and the New Year Gathering in USA

■Doors Open
12:00 pm, Starts: 1:00 pm, Ends: 4:30 pm (Live broadcast venues: 4:00 pm)

Schedule and Venues
Early Spring Gathering
Sunday, February 9
Chukyo: Okaya Koki Nagoya Public Hall [Contact: GLA Chukyo 052-321-8200]
Sunday, February 23
Kyushu: Fukuoka International Congress Center [Contact: GLA Kyushu 092-832-2100]
Sunday, March 23
Hokuriku: Ishikawa Ongakudo [Contact: GLA Hokuriku 076-260-1781]
How to apply:
For GLA members and those attending through member referral: Please apply using this link (for members only).
For non-members: Please contact the GLA General Headquarters by phone to register.

3,000 JPY

New Year Gathering in Video in USA≫
Sunday, February 23
San Francisco: College of San Mateo [Contact:]
Download Flyer

Los Angeles: Miyako Hybrid Hotel
Download Flyer

Sunday, March 2
New York:  Scandinavia House  [Contact:]
Download Flyer

How to apply:
Please check from the respective flyer.
